No feelings were hurt, no property destroyed, ect. Yet I did a very stupid thing as figured by the post's head title. Now what was this thing I did?
Well, it all starts out on Halloween. I saw the week before washing my clothes that I only had enough laundry detergent for one more run, so I set out to buy some more at Target. I made the trip with a couple of friends and upon getting there, I decided to purchase two large boxes instead of just one. For five minutes, they tried to convince me that just one box would suffice. Being the stubborn person that I am, I calmly explained that getting two boxes was reasonable as I did not want to make another trip in the future. They gave up and went to get their own things.
Back in my dorm room, I did the math and found out I had bought enough laundry detergent to last me through the fall of 2010.
Tide, anyone?
Then you did another stupid thing and made this post.
Doesn't really make a difference, does it, since it's going to be used up anyway....
Sometimes I wished I wrote for this blog - my writing and analytical skills are rather good.
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