There are almost as many misconceptions about the Rush process as there are about Greek Life as a whole.
Going to a Rush event is not a commitment to join a particular organization, but simply a chance to introduce yourself to the brothers at GW and to learn more about the different chapters. Going to several chapters' houses throughout the week, and even multiple events in one night, is encouraged. Every chapter is different, and before committing, it is good to introduce yourself to multiple organizations.
Fraternities provide a community at college that no other student organization or group can offer, and membership in a fraternity cultivates friendships that will last for the rest of your life. Fraternities offer unrivaled leadership opportunities, a chance to get involved in the local community and national philanthropies, and provide personal and business contacts that will last well beyond college. Thanks largely to the alumni networks provided by fraternities, Over a Quarter of Forbes Super 500 CEOs are Greek.
Greek Life enables GW students to lead balanced lives, providing intramural sporting events, an academic support system within chapters, in addition to all-Greek social events, mixers between fraternities and sororities, and a wide range of parties sponsored by individual chapters.
If you think Greek life might be for you, Rush. If you have questions about Greek life, Rush. Even if you're skeptical, Rush. The worst that can happen is that you'll make some new friends and eat some free food. Who knows, it may even change your life. It changed mine.
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