So, I know you probably already know that the Tea Baggers D.C. protest was a bust, but I just wanted to officially post this on GWblogspot because it's absolutely hilarious.
The Washington Post reported Thursday that a truck, which was to dump a million bags of tea on Lafayette Square was turned away when organizers failed to produce permits.
Then rally organizers showed up outside the Treasury Department. But authorities told them they lacked proper permission and could not set up a stage there.
Then it started to rain.
Next, somebody threw a box of tea over the White House fence, and the police evacuated the park.
Finally, the truck's driver, who had been wandering around town for hours after an overnight drive from Georgia, found a place to unload the cargo: 12 floors up in a downtown advocacy group. Without much of an audience.
Congratulations to the GOP for yet another successful publicity stunt (hey, at least they had something other than Nancy Pelosi to Twitter about).
Comparing Obama to Hitler. The blatant sexual connotation that they claim to have been ignorant of. Right. Looks like their plans to reinvent the party and connect with Americas youth are going well.
You sound like you want to Teabag FOX News.
The Boston Tea Party was more about taxation without representation than the tax itself. This would have actually been a fantastic way for DC residents to protest for the right to vote. Unfortunately, it makes these particular ralliers look a bit uninformed. Maybe FOX should air a special history segment for its viewers.
The event, which attracted 600,000 people nationwide, was FAR from a bust.
And at anti-war protests, liberals had signs left and right with Bush looking like Hitler. But you probably find those acceptable, right?
The event, which attracted 600,000 people nationwide, was FAR from a bust.
And at anti-war protests, liberals had signs left and right with Bush looking like Hitler. But you probably find those acceptable, right?
The event, which attracted 600,000 people nationwide, was FAR from a bust.
And at anti-war protests, liberals had signs left and right with Bush looking like Hitler. But you probably find those acceptable, right?
Alec, the issue of the signs depicting the President as Hitler isn't partisan. I agree, signs depicting President Bush as Hitler are wrong, as well. I never said they were.
*I never said that they were okay when depicting Bush as Hitler.
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