With the doom and gloom of the economy dominating the headlines, many universities are finding ways to help their students afford school.
However, in true GW fashion, instead of cutting costs, the University is attempting to ask students to give more money.
As previously mentioned in this blog, some student leaders are working to implement a mandatory $25 fee that would be used to improve library services on campus.
At the most recent SA Senate meting it was reported that some members of the GW community are working on implementing George’s Green Gift, an additional voluntary gift that would go towards GWU’s green initiatives. Similar to a UC Berkeley program, the money from George’s Green Gift would be controlled by the Office of Sustainability.
I e-mailed Cory Antonakos, SA Director of Green Initiatives, for some more clarification:
This initiative is for a voluntary gift that would not be required by anybody. The purpose of putting it onto the tuition bill is to make all students and parents aware of the opportunity that they would have to donate money toward green initiatives at GW. Because this is not part of the Student Association fee and is not a required addition to tuition, George's Green Gift would not be put to a referendum. Right now, we are in the final stages of writing a concept paper and a letter to President Knapp about the green gift. We are also collecting student signatures for a petition in support of the green gift.When asked about whether the state of the economy would affect receptiveness to George's Green Gift, Antonakos went on to state:
I think that the student body supports green initiatives and would like to see GW implement some more significant green projects. I think that the students would be receptive to the opportunity to donate money toward sustainability projects on campus. I have already spoken to many students who are supportive of George's Green Gift.Like many GW students I’m a fan of both sustainability and improving Gelman. But, asking students to fork over extra cash isn’t the solution. There are a variety of useless projects and initiatives (inaugural float anyone?) the University has undertaken this year
The economy is in bad shape, and with many universities reorganizing and trimming budgets, it’s time for GW to follow suit. Instead of asking students to chip-in extra money, GW needs to look at its own budget, and figure out its priorities.
Want GW to be more fiscally responsible? Join the facebook group.
This comment is for all the recent entries ...are you that naive/imbecile enough to think that a facebook group will solve the issues you are discussing? After every entry I read, there's some new group that I am prompted to join. Please! I'm sure that the 7 or so members of a facebook group can affect the freaking fiscal situation of GW. Get over it!...stop wasting your time making groups that give a false sense of something "getting done." I like the blog and hearing some of the students' concerns but at the end of every article I dismiss everything I've read once I see the new, awesome, improved facebook group that is about to solve all of our problems (sarcasm anyone).
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