I am going to be perfectly honest: right now, I am sitting in my room perfectly content and in a great state of mind. I didn't have any recent news about GW, since I just got back from Spring Break. I can't complain about anything because: 1. Jst recently brought in Fuze...so that will shut me up for a few day 2. I just got back from Paris and 3. the weather isn't terrible cold. So, I just looked around my room being all clean and everything and thought I should take a moment to put the spotlight on Beverly (aka Bev aka my girl).
Bev is a dear friend of room 720 in Thurston Hall. She is a hero. Not only can she turn a disgusting room to a immaculate one, but she is also a great person for advice. I'll never forget the day she told me to stay in school. This is some great advice. I was in the midst of midterms and I was ready to up and leave! Whether you are in a good mood or bad, she is always there to make you laugh. When she comes in the room with her friend, the two of them are a hilarious pair.
I live for the day Bev comes through that door. I think everyone should appreciate the cleaning lady as much as I do. What are you going to do next year (for those freshies) without her? Too many people I speak to are so unappreciative of their lady. They clean your room and never ask for things in return! It is one thing GW has certainly done RIGHT!
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