As I wiped the snow/ice off my pants, couldn't help but think how nice a warning would have been. There wasn't even an email that went out to inform students classes were canceled and we needn't head out on the ice Wednesday morning.
Now I don't expect the university to send out emails about every little thing... oh wait.. yes I do. They are contently sending me emails about frivolous items that I care nothing about. See below some of my favorites... the one reminding me summer was about to start was almost as useful as the one announcing a basketball camp for kids.

I was glad read the hatchet staff feels the same way. In an editorial published Thursday, they wrote:
Lets keep these emails relevant and to a minimum. When matters of safety or significant and wide impact need to be disseminated, email is a great tool. All these other messages dilute the importance of emails I actually need to receive... when someone at the university wakes up to send them."Over the course of the semester GW students have received GW alert emails urging students to "Pack the House" at Smith Center for the basketball team or do their part to help the University win RecycleMania. Officials should be wary of abusing this service when it fails to provide students with essential information relating to their classes and academic schedules.
Of course this service provides vital security and alert warnings to GW community members and is another tool students have come to rely on for safety on campus and in the city. However, this fact should make officials all the more wary to of abusing such a vital instrument of campus safety and information for non-essential items."
I'm a grad student, and when you're busy with a job, believe me getting slammed with 20 SPAMs from GWU per week gets old after 5 semesters. Why do I have to delete all this stuff, while sifting for the relevant emails?
Clearly GWU needs some accountability. One thing that might help is if staff members sending emails are required to identify themselves, instead of using those weird anonymous addresses.
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