Currently on the front page of washingtonpost.com, there is an article warning D.C. residents of the looming storm making its way up the east coast. As a southern Californian and a proud Angeleno, this incoming storm produces an array of mixed emotions. I am excited by the visual of a white layer of snow covering the DC area and by the possibility of frolicking in the snow (like they do in the cheesy disney movies). However, as this storm comes closer, so do feelings of animosity from my fellow peers (especially the New Englanders and New Yorkers). The facebook statuses of one of my friends (a hard-core New Yorker), who shall remain anonymous, constantly mocks us Californians.
A*a^ is Cold weather again, watch out for whiny Cali kids.And then from an earlier storm....
A*a^ Snow day; gotta be extra careful to avoid the California kids who whine about the cold...I do not not appreciate this cynicism from elitist yankees. Until I came to GW, I had only been in snowfall once. Thats right, once. Do you know why? Because 65 degree December days are incredible. Over winter break, I called my friends from New York and Massachusetts and asked them "What are you up to today?" Their responses were "Nothing. I am snowed in. I can't leave my house." They asked me what I was up to and I told them "I am going to the beach." I rest my case. One of the pictures above was taken on the last day of winter break while I was driving down Sunset Boulevard. It was 72 degrees and I questioned why I wanted to come back to the east coast. The other picture, was sent to me by a New Yorker during winter break.
And let me add, Californians deal with the weather in a perfectly normal way. We are not the only ones that complain in the snow. As a matter of fact, my friend (an inhabitant of Western Massachusetts) is complaining at this very moment of the ......
"disgusting, cold, wet, white crap, that is falling from the sky and ruining my freakin life."So stop hating on my people, you Northerners. We know that we come from the best part of the country and you can attempt to convince us otherwise but we know better. And the difference between Californians and New Englanders (and this is a huge generalization and a joke) is that Californians think that we come from the best part of the country, New Englanders think they are the best people in the country. So to all my North-easterners, us Californians will deal with the snow however we feel fit. We will whine, we will make a big deal out of 1 inch of snow, and we will slip on fall on the ice. But know this, when we go home for winter break, think about how much it sucks being snowed in when we are free to do whatever we please.
I fully believe that Northerners are simply cranky because for six months out of the year they have very few days of sunlight. I mean, I would take it out on Angelenos as well.
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