some yellow or green flyer that says “Summer Jobs” and it catches your eye every time because right after “final exams before exam week” you are thinking about summer plans. As a junior, going home for the summer isn’t on my radar and I want to stay in DC.
I responded to one of the signs in mid-Spring in an attempt to get an early start on the job search. They wanted me to knock door to door to try to save the environment. Sorry ask someone at
So I tried Gwork. I will say that Gwork has a lot of great listings. Here is the problem with most of the good ones, like this listing for National Geographic.
There is no contact information! Several of them don’t have contact information and ask to apply only through email. Great! The culprit? The career center. It just so happens that they are conducting their own survey about their website.
You can also email them with comments at gwcarctr@gwu.edu. Let them know how you feel about this and don’t forget to mention the lack of contact info!
a good site to find summer jobs and part-time jobs for the school year is myfirstpaycheck.com - started by young people recently to help make this process easier.
GWork has been pretty much useless. I have yet to hear back from ANY of the jobs i applied to using their website (ie I uploaded my resume, cover letter, etc to them).
I've actually had awesome luck with GWork 13 out of 15 responded back, and it took a total of 30 hours between me submitting my application via GWork and getting hired to an amazing job I've had since last April.
Also, it's WAY late in the game to start looking. Most places start interviews in March.
Maybe it's you, not the system.
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