Community service is extremely important at this school. While balancing our busy lives, we should always manage to find a little time in our day to give back to the community. Greeks make it easier to do this. Every fraternity and sorority on campus has their own philanthropy they raise money for. They do this by holding annual events each year to attract other members in the Greek system and regular students to get involved. This weekend, is Pike's Fireman's Challenge.
Pike's fireman's challenge is:
"the annual philanthropy event for the gentleman of the Pi Kappa Alpha fraternity. Its goals seek to raise money for the D.C. Firefighter burn foundation. The event is one big competition between the 9 sororities on campus. It is a week of competition and team-building, full of skits, parties and challenge…"
The events taking place (if you are in the Greek system) are supposed to be tons of fun. Starting this Monday, there will be events such as Feed the Fireman's Competition (where each sorority prepares a dish with a certain budget and the gentleman of the Pike Fraternity choose the best one), Pike Spike (a Volleyball tournament between all of the sororities), a huge party to raise money at the door, Skit Night, and finally...the CHALLENGE! A day full of fun water events, games, music, and food!
As a member of the Greek system, I strongly encourage all other Greeks to participate as much as they possibly can and help out their philanthropy!
For those of you who are not in the Greek system, you can still help out by donating money. My sorority will be walking around campus this week with a plastic fire extinguisher bank...so don't hesitate to stop us and put your small change in! Every penny counts!
For more information about their philanthropy, please click here.
Here are some videos of the past years skit nights:
As a member of the greek community, I want to commend you for bringing philanthropy into your blog! It is essential to remember that Greek Life at GW isn't just about parties, but about giving back. Pike's Fireman's Challenge is such a great way to help out the local community while having a great time! I hope to see you there!
That second video makes me want to vomit.
i can tell you right now that the second video was meant to be a JOKE. Skits are supposed to be FUNNY!
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