But first, some random news not reported yet: for all you burrito loving Chipotle fans, please note that the equipment as of TODAY is finally working. You can now spend away at 3255 M in Georgetown or 1837 M in the Bottom.
More, bigger changes are on the way. A private outside consulting firm is currently conducting focus groups with students and staff to talk about our GWorld card. Some questions I need help answering are:

2 Would you go crazy if we needed two cards for all the added functions?
3 Should the design be different?
4 Do you want a card when you graduate to keep?
While it's important to move forward technologically, we should be sure to identify the priorities of students in going forward with reccomended changes and added functions. Any feedback you can throw out, on the topics above or others, will be very helpful.
Thanks for posting Nicole!
GWorld suggestions:
1. Stick with 1 card (hard enough not to lose that as it is)
2. Put some sort of protective strip over the GWorld barcode so my cellphone stops deactivating it.
3. Automatically print the colonial's basketball sticker as a logo icon on the card so people don't have to go down to Marvin to pick it up or worry about it peeling off.
Thanks again!
Nicole, welcome! Some thoughts on Gworld:
1. I'm with Emily -- please don't go to two cards! My sister's school makes students have two ID cards and when I visited her, I could see what a pain it was.
2. I'm not sure if this would be covered under the functions you're talking about adding, but if there were a way to make it easier for student groups to rent Gworld machines for events, I'd support it.
3. I guess my question about the card after you graduate is, would it do anything? Or would it be a kind of ceremonial alum thing?
4. Which brings up another question: do we currently have to officially get rid of our Gworlds after graduation? Or to they just become useless?
1. I'm not sure what updates there could be... but what about the idea that it could swipe all residence halls? I know there are security issues with it, but it just seems very very impractical the way it is. And I know other universities have this where it will get you in each dorm, not just your own.
2. Definitely keep one card--two would just create havoc and confusion.
3. I think the design is basically good the way it is -- probably shouldn't change. It's distinctive, and I like that.
4. I'd like to keep my card after graduation if at all possible. Then again if they were to be recycled post-graduation I suppose I'd be willing to give it up.
All: Thank you SO much for all these comments. I am typing up a memo on all this as we speak. For security reasons we cannot have access to ALL residence halls and the only reason we might need two cards is because of how many additional functions we add to the card (ie smart trip technology). The strip strength/colonials sticker/student org swipe machine ideas are all perfect and probably feasible. Thanks again.
I think the design is basically good the way it is -- probably shouldn't change. It's distinctive, and I like that.
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